Thursday, May 13, 2010

pemon of the gran sabana

"Yunék Journal In Venezuela’s Savanna, Clash of Science and Fire" by SIMON ROMERO

YUNÉK, Venezuela — The mist-shrouded mountains rising out of the forest here form one of the world’s most beguiling frontiers of exploration and research, inspiring Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1912 fantasy novel “The Lost World” and teams of biologists who still mount expeditions to remote escarpments in hopes of finding species new to science.
But in the savannas below, the tendrils of smoke hanging over the landscape attest to a custom that has set off a fierce debate among scientists in Venezuela and beyond: the Pemón Indian tradition of repeatedly burning grassland and forest to hunt for animals and grow food. CONTINUE READING

full edit on Pemon of the Gran Sabana

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